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                Development History


                The establishment of Biotron

                The establishment of Biotron, factory renovation, old workshop of Biotron upgrade, colloidal gold workshop, PCR laboratory, R&D room, quality inspection room decoration


                It passed the system verification of FDA for the first time

                Get two class I registration certificates (delivery medium, Amies)


                Establish the instrument workshop, and upgrade the positive room and microtest room

                The first Ⅱ products certificate (FOB)


                For the first time through Ⅲ class system verification

                Complete a Ⅰ class record (BRAF, KRAS)


                High-tech enterprises cultivate storage, technology giant storage

                Guangdong province tuberculosis scientific research and industrial technology innovation alliance member units, applied for 4 invention patents, 1 provincial subject, upgrade molecular research and development laboratory


                POCT laboratory put into use, physical and chemical laboratory

                Enterprise recognition: high and new technology enterprise, guangdong province abides by the contract and honors the credit enterprise

                Topic/Patent: Guangzhou Science and Technology Plan Project, National Science and Technology Major Special Project of the 13th Five-Year Plan, applied for 10 invention patents

                Certified products: 6 cleaning liquids, 2 sample density separation liquids, automatic nucleic acid extractor, FOB continued registration


                Add microfluidic LABS

                Enterprise recognition: Guangdong technology-based small and medium-sized enterprise, medical device business license, member of medical laboratory industry branch

                Topic/Patents: National Science and Technology Major Projects in the 13th Five-Year Plan Period, obtained 7 authorization of invention patents and applied for 5 invention patents

                Product certification:BRAF、TRF、BV

                High quality that:FOB、BRAF、TRF、BV


                Baochuang Zhuhai factory preparation

                Guangdong Science and Technology Development Special Fund Project, Guangzhou Science and Technology Innovation and Development Special Fund Project in 2019, has been proposed by Guangdong Engineering Technology Research and Development Center as Guangdong Microfluidic Biotechnology Engineering Technology Research Center


                Obtained ISO13485 certificate

                At the critical moment of the New Crown epidemic, the company launched the New Crown testing reagents and related products, registered them in MHRA in the UK, obtained the CE certificate of three New Crown products, entered the white list of the Ministry of Commerce, and allowed the export of the New Crown testing reagents